Season 02 - Newsletter 02 --> The most popular of ProductHustleStack links of 2021
It’s been quite the first year. And while we had plans for more regular updates in 2022, projects got the better of us.
Having said that wanted to kick off the second newsletter of this year with a look back at the most popular content on .
As always we appreciate you sharing this newsletter if you think it could help a peer of yours improve their product skillset.
So without further delay, our top 10 most popular pieces of content 👇
Q: What were the most popular pieces of content on ProductHustleStack?
Unsurprisingly to this author, Decision by Shreyas (Stack) was the most popular piece of content on PHS in 2021. It’s one of the more comprehensive posts and leverages our stack page format which combines multiple recommendations into an easy-to-digest guide.
The category Interviewing came in second. We attribute this to both, how hot the market was and continues to be for product managers as well as folks trying to break into the field and learn more about what the recruitment process is like.
Product Frameworks was next. This page houses a collection of product frameworks from discovery to prioritization
Our About page cracked the top ten. Nothing other than a big thank you for that.
One of my favorite books made the cut. Product Management’s Sacred Seven rounded out the top 5. The book is an invaluable resource to grok quickly how some of the best PMs think.
Another great resource site made the cut last year. was very popular.
Product for Product Podcast, a podcast by Moshe Mikanovsky focused on the tools of the trade, from analytic software to roadmap tool proved popular as well.
Shreyas Doshi made the list twice, this time with the help of illustrations by Andrew Yi on Product Metrics
Gmail’s OKR approach by Itamar Gilad gets the number 9 nod. As mentioned the confidence meter to metrics is very useful in labeling accordingly opinion from test results as input into decisions.
And the 10th most popular piece of content in 2021 was the Reverse Interview which as the name indicates allowed an interviewee to turn the table around to get a better sense of what the company culture was like for example.
2022, although sparse on ProductHustleStack has seen an increase in great product content on Twitter. So grab some popcorn, head on over and process it all
Q: What is new on the Product Hustle Stack?
Honestly not a ton this month. But we’re working on an update. If you would like to contribute links resources please hit reply and let us know…